Terms and Conditions

Conduct Policy

Inner City Art Studio is an equal opportunity, safe, and discrimination free space. In the event of any behaviour that does not meet this expectation efforts will be made to work with the student and their parent or guardian where applicable to find a solution. Inner City Art Studio reserves the right to remove a student without refund in the event of repeated or serious unacceptable conduct.

Cancellation Policy

A full refund minus an administration fee of $25 is available if a cancellation is made more than 14 days prior to the class.

A 50% refund is available if a cancellation is made between 7 and 14 days prior to the class.

No refund is available if a cancellation is made less than 7 days prior to the class.

Substitution for a friend or family member to replace you may be possible at the discretion of the tutor and depending on the nature of the class, minus an administration fee of $25. Contact the studio to discuss as early as possible if this may be necessary.

When participating in a weekly class refunds or credits will not be available for a missed class.

Minimum student numbers apply to all classes, if enrolment numbers are not met your tutor will contact you to discuss options.

Illness Policy

To help keep everyone healthy, please do not attend the studio if you are unwell. In the event of COVID or other contagious illness, or a family bereavement, contact the studio to discuss possible class credit options.